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  1. L. Spodyneiko,
    Multi-matrix models and genus one amplitudes,
    Pis'ma v ZhETF, 99, 45-48 (2014)
  2. M. Bershtein, B. Feigin, A. Litvinov,
    Coupling of two conformal field theories and Nakajima-Yoshioka blow-up equations,
  3. Alexander Belavin, Boris Dubrovin, Baur Mukhametzhanov,
    Minimal Liouville Gravity correlation numbers from Douglas string equation,
  4. Alexander Zamolodchikov,
    Ising Spectroscopy II: Particles and poles at T>Tc ,
  5. B. Feigin, M. Jimbo, T. Miwa, E. Mukhin,
    Branching rules for quantum toroidal gl(n),
  6. Alexey Litvinov, Sergei Lukyanov, Nikita Nekrasov, Alexander Zamolodchikov,
    Classical Conformal Blocks and Painleve VI,
  7. A. V. Litvinov,
    On spectrum of ILW hierarchy in conformal field theory,
  8. S. E. Parkhomenko
    Line bundle twisted chiral de Rham complex and bound states of D-branes on toric manifolds,
  9. Michael Lashkevich, Yaroslav Pugai,
    Form factors in sinh- and sine-Gordon models, deformed Virasoro algebra, Macdonald polynomials and resonance identities,
    Nucl. Phys. B877, 538 (2013)
  10. M.N. Alfimov, A.A. Belavin, G.M. Tarnopolsky,
    Coset conformal field theory and instanton counting on C^2/Z_p,
    JHEP 1308, 134 (2013)
  11. Simone Giombi, Igor R. Klebanov, Silviu S. Pufu, Benjamin R. Safdi, Grigory Tarnopolsky,
    AdS Description of Induced Higher-Spin Gauge Theory,
  12. Michael Lashkevich, Yaroslav Pugai,
    On form factors and Macdonald polynomials,
    JHEP 1309 (2013) 095
  13. A. Buryak, B. L. Feigin, H. Nakajima
    A simple proof of the formula for the Betti numbers of the quasihomogeneous Hilbert schemes,
  14. Alexander Belavin, Doron Gepner,
    Generalized Rogers Ramanujan Identities from AGT Correspondence,
    Letters in Mathematical Physics 103, 1399-1407 (2013)
  15. A. A. Belavin, M. A. Bershtein, G. M. Tarnopolsky,
    Bases in coset conformal field theory from AGT correspondence and Macdonald polynomials at the roots of unity,
    JHEP 1303:019 (2013)
    arXiv:1211.2788 .
  16. Oleg Alekseev,
    Form factors of Descendant operators in the Bullough-Dodd Model,
    JHEP 1307, 112 (2013)
  17. Alexander Belavin, Baur Mukhametzhanov,
    N=1 superconformal blocks with Ramond fields from AGT correspondence,
    JHEP 01, 178 (2013)
  18. Ivan Cherednik, Boris Feigin,
    Rogers-Ramanujan type identities and Nil-DAHA,
  19. Sergei L. Lukyanov, Alexander B. Zamolodchikov ,
    Integrable boundary interaction in 3D target space: the "pillow-brane" model ,
    Nucl.Phys., B873 , 585-613 (2013)
  20. Oleg Alekseev,
    Form factors in the Bullough-Dodd related models: The Ising model in a magnetic field,
    Pisma v ZhETF, 95 (4), 219-223 (2012)
  21. M.N. Alfimov, G.M. Tarnopolsky,
    Parafermionic Liouville field theory and instantons on ALE spaces,
    JHEP 1202:036 (2012)
  22. A. Buryak, B.L. Feigin,
    Homogeneous components in the moduli space of sheaves and Virasoro characters,
    J. Geom. and Physics 62(7) (2012) 1652-1664
  23. A. Belavin, Y. Pugai, A. Zamolodchikov (Eds.),
    Quantum Field Theories in Two Dimensions: Collected works of Alexei Zamolodchikov,
    In 2 volumes. World Scientific, 2012, 1045 pp.
    ISBN: 978-981-4324-07-6 9 (Vol. 1);
    ISBN: 978-981-4324-08-3 9 (Vol. 2).
  24. H. Awata, B. Feigin, J. Shiraishi,
    Quantum Algebraic Approach to Refined Topological Vertex,
  25. M. Lashkevich,
    Resonances in sinh- and sine-Gordon models and higher equations of motion in Liouville theory,
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 45 (2012) 455403
  26. Boris Feigin,
    Abelisation of BGG resolution of the representations of the Virasoro algebra,
    Funct. Anal. Appl. 45(4) (2011)
  27. A.A. Belavin, M.A. Bershtein, B.L. Feigin, A.V. Litvinov, G.M. Tarnopolsky
    Instanton moduli spaces and bases in coset conformal field theory,
  28. B. Feigin, M. Jimbo, T. Miwa, E. Mukhin,
    Quantum toroidal gl_1 algebra: plane partitions,
  29. V.A. Fateev, A.V. Litvinov,
    Integrable structure, W-symmetry and AGT relation,
    JHEP 1201:051 (2012)
  30. Alexander Migdal,
    Integral Equation for CFT/String Duality,
  31. H. Awata, B. Feigin, A. Hoshino, M. Kanai, J. Shiraishi, S. Yanagida
    Notes on Ding-Iohara algebra and AGT conjecture,
    Proceeding of RIMS Conference 2010 "Diversity of the Theory of Integrable Systems" (ed. Masahiro Kanai)
  32. A. Belavin, V. Belavin, M. Bershtein
    Instantons and 2d Superconformal field theory,
    JHEP 1109:117 (2011)
  33. V.Belavin, B.Feigin,
    Super Liouville conformal blocks from N=2 SU(2) quiver gauge theories,
    JHEP 1107:079 (2011)
  34. Sergei E. Parkhomenko,
    Fermionic screenings and chiral de Rham complex on CY manifolds with line bundles,
    JETP 114(1)(2012) 39-47
  35. A. Zamolodchikov, I. Ziyatdinov,
    Inelastic scattering and elastic amplitude in Ising field theory in a weak magnetic field at T>T_c. Perturbative analysis,
    Nucl. Phys. B849(3) (2011) 654-674
  36. A. Belavin, V. Belavin,
    AGT conjecture and Integrable structure of Conformal field theory for c=1,
    Nucl. Phys. B850(1) (2011) 199-213
  37. V.A. Alba, V.A. Fateev, A.V. Litvinov, G.M. Tarnopolsky,
    On combinatorial expansion of the conformal blocks arising from AGT conjecture,
    Lett.Math.Phys. 98(1) (2011) 33-64
  38. M.A. Bershtein, V.A. Fateev, A.V. Litvinov,
    Parafermionic polynomials, Selberg integrals and three-point correlation function in parafermionic Liouville field theory,
    Nucl. Phys. B847(2) (2011) 413-459
    arXiv:1011.4090 .
  39. A. Belavin, M. Bershtein, G. Tarnopolsky,
    A remark on the three approaches to 2D Quantum gravity,
    JETP Lett. 93 (2011) 47-51
    arXiv:1010.2222 .
  40. Alexander Braverman, Boris Feigin, Leonid Rybnikov, Michael Finkelberg
    A finite analog of the AGT relation I: finite W-algebras and quasimaps' spaces,
    Comm. Math. Phys. 308(2) (2011) 457-478
  41. A.A. Belavin, G.M. Tarnopolsky,
    Two dimensional gravity in genus one in matrix models, topological and Liouville approaches,
    JETP Lett. 92 4 (2010) 257-267
  42. A.A. Belavin, G.M. Tarnopolsky,
    Introduction to string theory and conformal field theory,
    Phys. Atomic Nuclei 73(5), (2010) 848-877
  43. S.L. Lukyanov, A.B. Zamolodchikov,
    Quantum Sine(h)-Gordon Model and Classical Integrable Equations,
    JHEP 1007:008, (2010)
  44. B.L. Feigin, I.Yu. Tipunin,
    Logarithmic CFTs connected with simple Lie algebras,
  45. B. Feigin, E. Feigin, M. Jimbo, T. Miwa, E. Mukhin,
    Quantum continuous $gl_\infty$: Tensor products of Fock modules and $W_n$ characters,
    Kyoto J. Math. 51(2) (2011) 365-392
  46. B. Feigin, E. Feigin, M. Jimbo, T. Miwa, E. Mukhin,
    Quantum continuous $\mathfrak{gl}_\infty$: Semi-infinite construction of representations,
    Kyoto J. Math. 51(2) (2011) 337-364
  47. B. Feigin, A. Hoshino, J. Shibahara, J. Shiraishi, S. Yanagida,
    Kernel function and quantum algebras,
  48. A. Belavin, C. Rim,
    Bulk one-point function on disk in one-matrix model,
    Phys. Lett. B 687 (2-3) (2010) 264-266
  49. A. Belavin, V. Bazhanov, Y. Pugai, A. Zamolodchikov (Eds.),
    Liouville Gravity and Statistical Models,
    J. Phys. A 42, No.30 (2009)
  50. Oleg Alekseev, Michael Lashkevich,
    Form factors of descendant operators: $A^{(1)}_{L-1}$ affine Toda theory,
    JHEP 1007:095, (2010)
  51. S. E.  Parkhomenko,
    Free-field Representations and Geometry of some Gepner models,
    J.Exp.Theor.Phys. 111:375-383, (2010)
  52. G.  Tarnopolsky,
    Five-point Correlation Numbers in One-Matrix Model,
    J. Phys. A44 (2011) 325401
  53. V. Alba and And. Morozov,
    Check of AGT relation for conformal blocks on sphere,
    Nucl. Phys. B840, 441-468 (2010),
  54. V. Fateev and A. Litvinov,
    On AGT conjecture,
    JHEP 1002:014, (2010),
  55. A. Belavin and V. Belavin,
    Higher equations of motion in boundary Liouville field theory,
    JHEP 1002:010 (2010),
  56. Vasiliy Alba and Andrey Morozov,
    Non-conformal limit of AGT relation from the 1-point torus conformal block,
    JETP Lett. 90 708-712, (2009)
  57. V.A. Fateev and Y.P. Pugai,
    Correlation functions of disorder fields and parafermionic currents in Z(N) Ising models,
    J. Phys. A 42, 304013 (2009)
  58. Boris Feigin, Evgeny Feigin and Peter Littelmann,
    Zhu's algebras, $C_2$-algebras and abelian radicals,
    J. Algebra 329(1) (2011) 130-146,
  59. B. Feigin, M. Jimbo and T. Miwa,
    Gelfand-Zetlin basis, Whittaker vectors and a bosonic formula for the sl_{n+1} principal subspace,
    Publ. RIMS 42(2) (2011) 535-551
  60. O. Alekseev and M. Bershtein,
    Ring of physical states in the M(2,3) Minimal Liouville gravity,
    Theor.Math.Phys. 164 (2010) 929-946
  61. V.A. Fateev, S.L. Lukyanov and A.B. Zamolodchikov
    On mass spectrum in 't Hooft's 2D model of mesons,
    J. Phys. A42 (2009) 304012
  62. B. Feigin, K. Hashizume, A. Hoshino, J. Shiraishi and S. Yanagida,
    A commutative algebra on degenerate CP^1 and Macdonald polynomials,
    J. Math. Phys. 50 095215 (2009)
  63. Boris Feigin and Aleksander Tsymbaliuk,
    Heisenberg action in the equivariant K-theory of Hilbert schemes via Shuffle Algebra,
    Kyoto J. Math. 51(4), (2011) 831-854
  64. V.A. Belavin,
    Modular integrals in minimal Super Liouville Gravity,
    Theor. Math. Phys. 161 (2009) 1361-1375
  65. Vladimir A. Fateev, Alexey V. Litvinov, André Neveu and Enrico Onofri,
    Differential equation for four-point correlation function in Liouville field theory and elliptic four-point conformal blocks,
    J. Phys. A42 (2009) 304011
  66. P.V. Bushlanov, B.L. Feigin, A.M. Gainutdinov and I.Yu. Tipunin,
    Lusztig limit of quantum sl(2) at root of unity and fusion of (1,p) Virasoro logarithmic minimal models,
    Nucl. Phys. B818 (2009) 179-195
  67. S.E. Parkhomenko,
    Gepner-like models and Landau-Ginzburg/sigma-model correspondence,
    J. Phys. A42 (2009) 304023
  68. Boris Feigin and Michael Lashkevich,
    Form factors of descendant operators: Free field construction and reflection relations,
    J. Phys. A42 (2009) 304014
  69. Boris Feigin, Michael Finkelberg, Andrei Negut and Leonid Rybnikov,
    Yangians and cohomology rings of Laumon spaces,
    Sel. Math. New Ser. 17(2)(2011) 337-361
  70. B. Feigin, E. Feigin, M. Jimbo, T. Miwa and E. Mukhin,
    Fermionic formulas for eigenfunctions of the difference Toda Hamiltonian,
    Lett.Math.Phys. 88(1-3) (2009) 39-77
  71. A.A. Belavin and A.B. Zamolodchikov,
    On correlation numbers in 2D minimal gravity and matrix models,
    J. Phys. A42 (2009) 304004
  72. V.A. Fateev and A.V. Litvinov,
    Correlation functions in conformal Toda field theory II,
    JHEP 0901 (2009) 033
  73. A. Belavin and V. Belavin,
    Four-point function in Super Liouville Gravity,
    J. Phys. A42 (2009) 304003
  74. Boris Feigin, Michael Finkelberg, Igor Frenkel and Leonid Rybnikov,
    Gelfand-Tsetlin algebras and cohomology rings of Laumon spaces,
    J Sel. Math. New Ser. (224 November 2010)
  75. B.L. Feigin and I.Yu. Tipunin,
    Characters of coinvariants in (1,p) logarithmic models,
  76. Boris Feigin, Edward Frenkel and Leonid Rybnikov,
    On the endomorphisms of Weyl modules over affine Kac-Moody algebras at the critical level,
    Lett. Math. Phys., 88(1-3) (2009) 163-173
  77. Sergei E. Parkhomenko,
    Free field construction of D-branes in rational models of CFT and Gepner models,
    SIGMA 4 (2008) 025
  78. Michael Lashkevich,
    Boundary form factors in the Smirnov-Fateev model with a diagonal boundary S matrix,
  79. V.A. Fateev and Y.P. Pugai,
    Expectation values of scaling fields in Z(N) Ising models,
    Theor. Math. Phys. 154 (2008) 473-494 / ôÅÏÒ. íÁÔ. æÉÚ. 154 (2007) 557-583
  80. V.A. Belavin,
    N=1 supersymmetric conformal block recursion relations,
    Theor. Math. Phys. 152 (2007) 1275-1285 / ôÅÏÒ. íÁÔ. æÉÚ. 152 (2007) 476-487
  81. Boris Feigin, Edward Frenkel and Leonid Rybnikov,
    Opers with irregular singularity and spectra of the shift of argument subalgebra,
    Duke Math. J. 155 (2) (2010) 337-363
  82. Vladimir Fateev and Sylvain Ribault,
    Boundary action of the H+(3) model,
    JHEP 0802 (2008) 024
  83. V.A. Fateev and A.V. Litvinov,
    Correlation functions in conformal Toda field theory I,
    JHEP 0711 (2007) 002
  84. V.A. Fateev and A.V. Litvinov,
    Multipoint correlation functions in Liouville field theory and minimal Liouville gravity,
    Theor. Math. Phys. 154 (2008) 454-472
  85. B. Feigin, E. Feigin, M. Jimbo, T. Miwa and E. Mukhin,
    Principal $\hat{sl}(3)$ subspaces and quantum Toda Hamiltonian,
    Advanced Studies of Pure Mathematics 54 109-166
  86. V.A. Fateev and A.V. Litvinov,
    Coulomb integrals in Liouville theory and Liouville gravity,
    JETP Lett. 84 (2007) 531-536
  87. Boris Feigin and Edward Frenkel,
    Quantization of soliton systems and Langlands duality,
    Advanced Studies of Pure Mathematics 61 185-274
  88. V.A. Belavin,
    On the N=1 super Liouville four-point functions,
    Nucl. Phys. B798 (2008) 423-442
  89. B. Feigin, T. Kojima, J. Shiraishi and H Watanabe,
    The Integrals of Motion for the Deformed W-Algebra Wqt(sl_N^),
    Proceedings for Representation Theory 2006, Atami, Japan, (2006) 102-114,,
  90. B. Feigin, T. Kojima, J. Shiraishi and H Watanabe,
    The Integrals of Motion for the Deformed Virasoro Algebra,
  91. B. Feigin, E. Feigin and I. Tipunin
    Fermionic formulas for (1,p) logarithmic model characters in Phi{2,1} quasiparticle realisation,
    Advanced Studies of Pure Mathematics 61 161-184
  92. A. Belavin, V. Belavin, A. Neveu, Al. Zamolodchikov,
    Bootstrap in supersymmetric Liouville field theory. I. NS Sector,
    Nucl. Phys. B784 (2007) 202-233
  93. B. Feigin, E. Frenkel and V. Toledano-Laredo
    Gaudin models with irregular singularities,
    Adv. Math. 223(3) (2010) 873-948
  94. Pedro Fonseca and Alexander Zamolodchikov
    Ising spectroscopy. I. Mesons at T<T(c),
  95. A. Belavin and Al. Zamolodchikov,
    Higher equations of motion in N=1 SUSY Liouville field theory,
    JETP Lett. 84 (2006) 418-424
  96. A. Zamolodchikov and Al. Zamolodchikov,
    Decay of Metastable Vacuum in Liouville Gravity,
  97. B.L. Feigin, A.M. Gainutdinov, A.M. Semikhatov and I.Yu. Tipunin,
    Kazhdan-Lusztig-dual quantum group for logarithmic extensions of Virasoro minimal models,
    J. Math. Phys. 48 (2007) 032303
  98. B.L. Feigin, A.M. Gainutdinov, A.M. Semikhatov and I.Yu. Tipunin,
    Logarithmic extensions of minimal models: Characters and modular transformations,
    Nucl. Phys. B757 (2006) 303-343
  99. V.A. Fateev, V.V. Postnikov and Y.P. Pugai,
    On scaling fields in Z(N) Ising models,
    JETP Lett. 83 (2006) 172-178
  100. A.A. Belavin, Al.B. Zamolodchikov,
    Integrals over moduli spaces, ground ring, and four-point function in minimal Liouville gravity,
    Theor. Math. Phys. 147 (2006) 729-754 / ôÅÏÒ. íÁÔ. æÉÚ. 147 (2006) 339-371
  101. A.A. Belavin, Al.B. Zamolodchikov,
    Moduli integrals and ground ring in minimal Liouville gravity,
    JETP Lett. 82 (2005) 7-13 / ðÉÓØÍÁ öüôæ 82 (2005) 8-14
  102. B.L. Feigin, A.M. Gainutdinov, A.M. Semikhatov and I.Yu. Tipunin,
    Kazhdan-Lusztig correspondence for the representation category of the triplet W-algebra in logarithmic CFT,
    Theor. Math. Phys. 148 (2006) 1210-1235 / ôÅÏÒ. íÁÔ. æÉÚ. 148 (2006) 398-427
  103. S.E. Parkhomenko,
    Free-field representation of permutation branes in Gepner models,
    J. Exp. Theor. Phys. 102 (2006) 902-919
  104. V.A. Belavin and O.V. Miroshnichenko,
    Correlation functions of descendants in the scaling Lee-Yang model,
    JETP Lett. 82 (2005) 679-684 / ðÉÓØÍÁ öüôæ 82 (2005) 775-779
  105. V.A. Fateev and S.L. Lukyanov,
    Boundary RG flow associated with the AKNS soliton hierarchy,
    J. Phys. A39 (2006) 12889-12926
  106. A.A. Belavin, Al.B. Zamolodchikov,
    Moduli integrals, ground ring and four-point function in minimal Liouville gravity,
    hep-th/0510214, pages 16-46
  107. Polyakov's string: Twenty five years after. Proceedings (Chernogolovka, Russia, June 23-25, 2005)
    Alexander Belavin and Alexei Zamolodchikov (editors)
  108. Sergei L. Lukyanov and Alexander B. Zamolodchikov,
    Dual form of the paperclip model,
    Nucl. Phys. B744 (2006) 295-311
  109. Michael Lashkevich,
    Notes on scaling limits in SOS models, local operators and form-factors,
  110. A. Losev and I. Polyubin,
    Topological quantum mechanics for physicists,
    JETP Lett. 82 (2005) :335-342 / ðÉÓØÍÁ öüôæ 82 (2005) 373-380
  111. V.A. Fateev and A.V.. Litvinov,
    On differential equation on four-point correlation function in the Conformal Toda Field Theory,
    JETP Lett. 81 (2005) 594-598 / ðÉÓØÍÁ öüôæ 81 (2005) 728-732
  112. B.L. Feigin, A.M. Gainutdinov, A.M. Semikhatov and I.Yu. Tipunin,
    Modular group representations and fusion in logarithmic conformal field theories and in the quantum group center,
    Commun. Math. Phys. 265 (2006) 47-93
  113. Boris Feigin, Omar Foda and Trevor Welsh,
    Andrews-Gordon identities from combinations of Virasoro characters,
    Ramanujan J. 17 (2005) 33-52,
  114. Sergei L. Lukyanov, Alexei M. Tsvelik and Alexander B. Zamolodchikov,
    Paperclip at theta=pi,
    Nucl. Phys. B719 (2005) 103-120
  115. B. Feigin, M. Jimbo, T. Miwa, E. Mukhin and Y. Takeyama,
    A monomial basis for the Virasoro minimal series M(p,p'): The case 1<p'/p<2,
    Commun. Math. Phys. 257 (2005) 395-423
  116. W.L. Yand, A. Belavin and R. Sasaki,
    Central elements of the elliptic Z(n) monodromy matrix algebra at roots of unity,
    Nucl. Phys. B710 (2005) 614-628
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